A World Without Photosynthesis!


Process of Photosynthesis

1.Photosynthesis provides us with most of the oxygen we need in order to breathe.

2.Photosynthesis process by which green plants use carbon dioxide,water and sunlight to make their own food.

3.The sun's energy splits the water molecules into hydrogen ang oxygen.

4.It's set of steps that happen in a certauin order inside the cells of green plants.

5.The production of carbonhydrates from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight as the source of energy with the aid of chlorphyll.

6.Photosythesis can considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providing the source of energy that drives all their metabolic process.

The Importance of Photosythesis

1.Air-the mixtyre of nitrogen,oxygen,carbon dioxide,hydrogen,neon,helium and other gases that surronds the earth.

2.Photosythesis also pays a very important roll in converting C02 back into o2so that humans and animal can breathe
3.It makes greenery for vegetarian animals and produces oxygen for animals who need it
4.Animal-product-Plants are very useful to humans .We eat different types of plants.Some products are made from plants.Such as shampoos,rubber,paper and camera film.

5.Animals and plants both synthesize proteins from carbohydrates.

6.Plants are only living their own food.Photosynthesis is when the energy from sunlight is combined with chlorophyll to form sugar.

How will it effect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis 

1.Everything will be dark and plants cannot grow.

2.Plants will not survive.

3.Animal will have no food to eat without plant.

4.Without photosynthesis,there will be no oxygen.

5.Plants cannot make food.

6.There will be no living things in the earth.
